How to Prepare a Home Remedy for Dry Skin

How to Prepare a Home Remedy for Dry Skin

With home remedies, treatment ingredients consist of foods and items found around the home. This approach to healing has been in existence for centuries and has been used by many who claim they treat a wide range of ailments, from razor burns to tonsillitis. At its worst, dry skin can result in cracked, flaking skin. Home remedies may be used to tackle this unpleasant condition.

Things You'll Need:

Lemon juice

Aloe vera gel


Tea tree oil

Flax seed oil

Evening primrose oil

Prepare a Home Remedy for Dry Skin


Apply aloe vera. Aloe vera gets rid of dead skin cells and can be soothing for dry skin. Use it on the areas that need relief.


Try tea tree oil. In addition to being moisturizing, tea tree oil has antiseptic properties. Apply it to affected areas.


Enjoy some avocado. Add a few drops of lemon juice to 1/2 an avocado, and mash. Apply to clean skin and allow to remain for 20 minutes. Then remove with some tissue, and splash the face with cold, then warm, water.


Guzzle some evening primrose oil. Taken internally, evening primrose oil can help moisturize and rejuvenate dry skin. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for use.


Find the
in flax seed oil. When consumed daily, unrefined flax-seed oil can help conquer dryness and promote a lustrous complexion. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for use.


Learn more about home remedies by visiting the Home Remedies for Natural Cures and Common Illnesses Web site (see Resources below). There you'll find remedies for a host of conditions.

Tips & Warnings

The items needed to treat dry skin from a home-remedy perspective are inexpensive and may be purchased at a grocery or health food store.

Know the causes of dry skin. The condition may be caused by a poor diet deficient in vitamins A and B, winter weather, cosmetics and harsh soaps. Skin ailments like dermatitis and psoriasis can also lead to dry skin.

If your dry skin is marked by splits and cracks and doesn't clear up after 2 weeks of self-treatment, see a doctor. The cause may be psoriasis or a fungal infection.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.